Thursday, October 24, 2013

Family Dynamics

This week I completed a Genogram for my family. A Genogram is similar to a family tree, but shows the relationships between each family member. You are able to see the connections between parenting and how one persons bad parenting effects generations to come. While learning all this new information I should take it upon myself to want to change and learn from what others have done. I learned that if I ever see tension or a need for closeness with my husband and son I will address it immediately preventing any future problems. This shows me that a bond with parents cannot be broken if it was made strong enough through easy times, it will hold through tough times. I have that goal with my own children. I now will be more aware of the traits my parents have while parenting because I will most likely follow in their footsteps. With the information I have gathered I will now be more aware of how every little situation or incident can lead to conflict. It is better to deal with conflict as soon as it arises and not later down the road when it could have gotten worse. I have learned that it is possible to break a pattern of bad parenting. If I notice anything I don’t agree with I will not be afraid to change it. My eyes will now be open to the way people interact and treat the members in my family.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Know Who You Are

This week I have learned and gained a stronger testimony of gender roles in life not even just in families. I have learned that we were destined from the very beginning to be male or female. I have learned that gender roles are essential to heavenly fathers plan for us here on this Earth. I learned that men and women are equal in our roles, we just have different strengths and weaknesses that even each other out. Men and women are suppose to be different so we can learn and grow from our differences to become more like God. Men and women complete each other. Gender in a way perfects us, it is part of our identity no matter how much we may fight it. It is your chromosomes that determine whether you are a male or female, not the physical side. You were destine to be a male or female from the beginning.

Here is a great video explaining same sex attraction

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Culture Good or Bad?

This week in class we discussed culture and whether there is such thing as a bad or good culture.

I thought that all cultures have their pros and cons. All cultures are very different and unique. I believe it is very important to feel involved in a culture because it helps you feel like you belong somewhere, have importance, and know who you are. I think that all cultures are right, if their beliefs and customs are not mean and cruel, I believe that they should abide with the laws of the land. I think you should try and respect the culture you are. It can be very difficult sometime to respect it, if you don’t agree with it. In America it is “culturally” acceptable to do a lot of things that everyone else is doing, but I know it is wrong. If you live in a culture that is doing wrong things I believe it is okay to leave it and not call yourself part of it.

Friday, October 4, 2013

BYU- Idaho Learning Model

This week in class we had to compare the BYU- Idaho learning model to a family. The BYU- Idaho has three parts to it that equal a successful learning experience: prepare, teach, and ponder and prove.

Preparation is essential to family. Our church counsels us constantly to be prepared. This method can be used in family by saving enough money for children, college, retirement, and incase of an emergency.  As Latter Day Saints we are counseled to have food storage. J. Reuben Clark said, “Let every head of every household see to it that he has on hand enough food and clothing, and where possible, fuel also, for at least a year ahead.” We are told constantly to BE PREPARED!
Teaching one another to me is what parenting and family is all about. Parents teach their children everything. It is a parent’s duty to teach their child under the covenant. Not only do parents teach their children, but the children teach their parents so much. The whole idea of family is constant learning and teaching.  L. Tom Perry said, “ Parents must resolve that teaching in the home is a most sacred and important responsibility.”

In the life of a family pondering and proving is used everyday. Parents hopefully are constantly pondering and praying for revelation on how to teach their children and rear them in the right direction. Parents have to act in order to receive revelation and be able to prove themselves.

We use parts of the learning model in our daily lives. If we continue to use it, it will bless the lives of our children and families.